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Focusing On Garage Doors

Have you ever stopped to look at your garage doors? Although most people don't think twice about how they appear, the fact of the matter is that garage doors can take up quite a decent amount of outdoors space, making your home look terrible. I took a good, hard look at my garage doors a few weeks back, and then I started making some changes that helped them to look better alongside the rest of my home. Read this blog to understand how to use your garage doors to improve the outer appearance of your home. After all, every detail counts.



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Focusing On Garage Doors

Common Garage Door Opener Faults And How To Fix Each Of Them

by Sheila Berry

Like many other home equipment, garage door openers also suffer from occasional glitches. These glitches can range from severe problems down to minor inconveniences. Any one of them is something you should be on the lookout for and able to rectify quickly.

It may be difficult for you to fix the following issues yourself. Still, you can always rely on residential garage door repair professionals for assistance to get your opener back to normal operation.

The Garage Door Opener Won't Open or Close

A garage door opener might not work correctly if it's old. One common cause of this fault is a short circuit in the garage door opener receiver. A short circuit occurs when the electrical contact becomes worn out and doesn't complete the circuit. As a result, no power gets to your garage door opener.

The problem can be fixed by replacing the receiver itself. Here's how to do it:

Turn off power at the breaker box

Before replacing your garage door opener receiver, turn off the power at the circuit breaker box. Turning the power off protects you from electrical shock if something goes wrong during the installation process.

Remove the old receiver

The next step is to remove the old receiver from its place on the wall or ceiling by unscrewing it. Make sure not to lose any screws while you perform this step. 

Unplug the wires

Next, unplug all wires from both ends of their connection points by gently pulling on each wire until it detaches from its point of connection on either side of its plug-in point.

You can now open up the new receiver and attach the wires the same way as the old receiver. Screw them down tightly and test out your new remote control or keypad to ensure everything works properly before installing it on your garage wall or ceiling.

Garage Door Opener Closing on Its Own

This issue results from either a worn cable or a broken wire inside your garage door opener.

Simply replace the broken parts with new ones from your local hardware store to fix this problem. Reattach the cables or wires back onto their original positions using crimp connectors or screw terminals, depending on their type of connection.

You may also need to check all other cables and wires connected to the motor unit and moving parts such as pulleys and belts. This check is crucial because these parts may have suffered damage over time due to normal wear and tear or excessive strain.

Ask a professional if you have questions about your garage door opener
